It’s that time again – time to reconnect with friends and neighbors and celebrate all the things in our community we’re thankful for.
Annual Dinner – Doors open at 5 p.m.; Dinner served at 6 p.m.
If you’ve rsvp’d and paid for dinner, come hungry and come early! Your name will be on the list during check in. Dinner this year is being catered by Westacres’ very own Joe Godell of Westacres Drive. West-side residents will be bringing a selection of desserts. So remember, if you live on W. Honeysuckle, Lilac Court, Sweetbriar, Winterberry or the Condos, pull out those recipes. It’s time to impress. (Desserts do not need to be individually wrapped but labeling your dish with your name and if it’s gluten free, sugar free, has nuts, etc. is appreciated.)
Annual Meeting – Directly following dinner – approximately 7:30 p.m.
Shareholders in good standing should arrive early, as everyone must go through the check-in process before selecting seats.
Each shareholder in good standing will receive one ballot and an additional ballot for each proxy you hold. Proxies must be turned in at registration. Copies may be found in the latest version of the Westacres Weekly.
We’re excited to be back in person and back to our traditional approach to doing business. For those residents new to the community, aside from the many social aspects of the evening and celebrations of many of the ingredients that contribute to the culture and history of our community, the Annual Meeting will address important topics that are vital to the smooth running of the Westacres Community Association.
- Community groups including the Westacres Credit Union, the Westacres Weekly, the Westacres Historical Society and the Westacres Women’s Club will give updates on their leadership and 2022 activities.
- New residents will be recognized and we’ll acknowledge those friends and neighbors we’ve lost this past year.
- WCA Treasurer Nick Frederick will review the 2022 operating budget before presenting the 2023 Operating Budget for approval.
- WCA Board Members and Committee Chairs will provide an overview of 2022 accomplishments and plans for the coming year.
We look forward to seeing you there!